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Nan Hang Zhang

From a Lie

To misrepresent is, in plain language, to lie, to deceive. But a misrepresentation also decontextualises, discredits, and disrupts the relationships between elements. Aldo Rossi’s architectural representation - specifically his perspective for his student housing project in Chieti - distorts and compresses the space between and around architectural forms. In so doing, he reframes and re-emphasises the importance of form.
The MAXXI museum, on the other hand, prioritises its interior spaces, and the flowing, continuous, experience provided in its galleries. The relationship between galleries is both spatial and temporal, with a clear sequencing of spaces into five distinct exhibition suites. This project investigates what it means to distort and transform the chronology of these elements, what it means to decontextualise the context of the museum, and what it means to misrepresent the MAXXI.

Project Presentation

10:30 - 11:00 AM AEDT Thursday 12th November 2020

Zoom link:

Password: studio8

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